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Voir ce film Alexandre Nevski avec sous-titres 1440

Alexander Nevsky (cantata), Op.78 (Prokofiev, Sergey)

This work is likely not in the public domain in the US (due to first publication with the required notice after 1922, plus renewal or "restoration" under the GATT/TRIPS amendments), nor in the EU and those countries where the copyright term is life+70 years. However, it is public domain in Canada (where IMSLP is hosted) and in other countries (China, Japan, S. Korea) where the copyright term is life+50 years.

Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.

For the earlier film music on which this work was based, see Aleksandr Nevsky (film music).