Film streaming L'Idiot regarder en ligne avec sous-titres anglais FULLHD

Returning to Russia from a sanitarium in Switzerland, the Christ-like epileptic Prince Myshkin finds himself enmeshed in a tangle of love, torn between two women—the notorious kept woman Nastasya and the pure Aglaia—both involved, in turn, with theMore Returning to Russia from a sanitarium in Switzerland, the Christ-like epileptic Prince Myshkin finds himself enmeshed in a tangle of love, torn between two women—the notorious kept woman Nastasya and the pure Aglaia—both involved, in turn, with the corrupt, money-hungry Ganya. In the end, Myshkin’s honesty, goodness, and integrity are shown to be unequal to the moral emptiness of those around him. In her revision of the Garnett translation, Anna Brailovsky has corrected inaccuracies wrought by Garnett’s drastic anglicization of the novel, restoring as much as possible the syntactical structure of the original. Less

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Michelle rated it it was amazing

over 3 years ago

I’ve been trying to review this book for over a week now, but I can’t. I’m struggling with something: How do I review a Russian literature classic? Better yet, how do I review a Russian literature classic without sounding like a total dumbass? (Hint: It’s probably not goi. Read full review

Petra Eggs rated it really liked it

about 2 years ago

There are many reviews of this book making out that Prince Myshkin was Christ-like, a truly good man who lived for the moment. A holy idiot, or more accurately, wholly idiot indeed is what he really was. Why did they think Dostoyevsky entitled the book, The Idiot if he me. Read full review

Ben rated it it was amazing

about 7 years ago

The Idiot is a remarkable literary feat; a true accomplishment. It not only shows and represents true human complexity, but it births it. both in the inner workings of its passionate characters, and in the overall story. It's replete with patient, mind testing issues that. Read full review

Fernando rated it it was amazing

Como siempre me pasa con Dostoievski, debo decir que he disfrutado mucho la historia del Príncipe Lev Nikoláievich Mishkin, quien vuelve luego de cuatro años de un sanatario en Suiza para recuperarse. ¿adivinen de qué? si, de epilepsia, como Dostoievski, hacia Pávlovsk. Read full review

Katie rated it it was amazing

We tend to view innocence as an uplifting cleansing virtue. Contact with it is supposed to improve the soul. But this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, in company, my five year old son will blurt out something I don’t want outsiders to know and I end up blushing! His inno. Read full review

Foad rated it it was amazing

رضا امیرخانی، جایی گفته بود که "اگه قرار بود نویسنده ها پیامبری داشته باشن، پیامبرشون تولستوی خواهد بود." حرف درستیه، ولی این پیامبر از داستایوسکی وحی دریافت میکنه!

از بین رمان های داستایوسکی، بیشتر از همه عاشق "جنایت و مکافات" و بعد "ابله" هستم. در درجات بعد، قمار باز و. Read full review

Maria Espadinha rated it it was amazing

about 2 months ago

Sejamos Todos Idiotas

A sociedade, com todos os seus jogos de poder e corrupção. destrói os Puros.
Uma tradição milenar que remonta à era de Cristo.

Numa caricatura social, Dostoiévski mostra-nos como as boas almas são exploradas, vilipendiadas, violentadas. acabando d. Read full review

Martine rated it really liked it

over 3 years ago

Recommends it for: people who like long dialogue and larger-than-life characters

Are there countries in the world which are more likely to produce depressing literature than others? If so, Russia must be pretty much top of the list. I have yet to read a Russian novel which ends well for all the protagonists. I can only think of a few in which things e. Read full review

Jason rated it it was ok

almost 7 years ago

Do you answer ‘yes’ to any of the following questions?

1. You ever sleep in another person’s house for the first time, not wanting to turn on a light to see your way to the toilet, and run into a wall?
2. You ever been in a public building at night and the power fails, and. Read full review

Sidharth Vardhan rated it it was amazing

The tragedy of being too good

Most of my favorite characters are either pure evil or complex anti-hero type; the stereotype Mr. Goody-two-shoes has never appealed to me; however Prince Muishkin, the idiot in the novel, is now going to be an exception.